
馬雅人在地球上留下了許多謎團。究竟馬雅人為何能預言?又為何2012的末日預言沒有實現?有一群馬雅人為何消失了呢?以下摘錄《蒼天白雲》第31回 的部分內容:

How could the Mayans predict future events? 


The Mayans in South America predicted that December 22, 2012 would have been the apocalypse. Archeologists discovered writings on stone tablets depicting incredibly precise prophecies, almost all were proven true. There were many firm believers of the Mayan apocalypse theory. But why did the Mayans know so much about the future? It was because a couple of enlightened Mayans were appointed  Heaven’s ambassador during the time after the Buddha’s passing and before the birth of Christ. Those fellow Mayans participated in many of the highest spiritual summit meetings, and knew well of the meeting conclusions, which is how the Mayans knew about the future.



Why didn't the apocalypse come true?


The demise of a planet is one crucial subject in the summit meetings, the date isnt randomly chosen but a decision made by the 4 parties (heaven, demonic world, and 2 independent nations) according to precise calculation of the positive and negative energy generated on that planet. When the negative energy absolutely overrides the positive, that turning point becomes the planet’s doomsday.



If the date isn’t made public, with the inhabitants having no knowledge about it, the chances of the apocalypse to occur would be 100%. But once it is revealed, humans may begin to initiate various repentance and salvation actions, driving the positive energy to accumulate exponentially, altering the negative energy’s leading position, therefore the demise may be delayed. As for how long it is pushed back will again depend on the detailed calculation of positive and negative energy fluctuations.



The Mayan heaven ambassadors used stone tablets to write down important prophecies, and were well hidden in the ruins of ancient temples. A thousand years into the future, at the right time, these prophecy-written stone slates shall be exposed. The various prophecies only serve as secondary purpose, the main purpose is to let humans realize how accurate these writings are, telling their decedents to be aware of the 2012 apocalypse.


How was the apocalypse prevented?


The Mayan heaven ambassadors’ kind doings brought great influence. Many religious groups believed in it fully, and began conducting global praying networks years ahead, promoting the awareness to save Earth. Over the years, some world leading religious groups also initiated vegan lifestyles, to lower as much as possible the resentment and curse of animals when being killed. The scientific world also emphasized on energy saving and carbon reduction, through conservation actions to save the planet. The movie industry also made a blockbuster film named 2012 on the destruction of Earth. In the critical moment facing life or death, regardless of Heaven, the demonic world, or independent nations, altogether, with their religious groups and other organizations worked side by side to save Earth. In several years, the positive energy on Earth intensified, so the apocalypse was bound to be pushed back.


What price needs to be paid in rewriting the apocalypse ?


Due to the change in positive/negative energy balance, and thanks to Earth’s inhabitants’ effort, the spiritual world again held a new summit meeting concerning Earth’s date of apocalypse. Upon detailed calculation by the four parties on the positive/negative energy accumulated, the date has been set back 70 years to the year 2082. But by setting back 70 years, the summit decided that negative energy still needs to be released on Earth for it to happen.



As for what kind of negative energy should be released, the Law of Cause and Effect will decide. At the time, the four-party summit chose one of the locations to be Fukushima, Japan, which is how the Fukushima earthquake occurred followed by massive tsunami, inflicting major nuclear crisis. This series of catastrophes was in fact a means to release Earth’s negative energy. Over the past hundred of years, the Japanese have brutally murdered creatures, especially massive killings of those at sea. The Pacific Ocean is often painted red by the slaughtering of fish on fishboats. The fish cry in pain and despair. Deep down in the oceans, some fish gods are extremely angry about this, and have long been waiting to retaliate the Japanese with tsunamis. While in Japan, some guardians of the island did their best at protecting Japan, so a massive tsunami hadn’t occurred yet. However, the summit this time passed the resolution to find a location for negative energy release. During the summit, creatures from all over came with accusations for the Japanese, including the deep ocean fish god. The gods protecting Japan had no way to fight back the summit’s resolution, and the catastrophe landed on Japan.


During the summit, Japan wasn’t the only choice to unleash negative energy, the author is just using it as an example to set forth, and does not imply that the Japanese have accumulated the worst karma, so please be noted.



Whether in 2082 the apocalypse will come true or not this time, still depends on the precise calculations of the two forces. If the negative reaches the point of overturning, then Earth will no doubt be destroyed. We hope that after knowing the apocalypse date decided by the spiritual summit, the habitants on Earth will again take immediate rescue actions to save Earth, allowing for the positive energy to accumulate and prevent Earth’s demise.



What was the Mayan's secret to success? 


The gospel of ultimate liberation had been propagated in the Mayan society 200 years before the birth of Christ, and was well received. Many Mayans worked hard on focusing and emptying the mind and gradually found their own illumosphere(buddha nature), therefore they regained their superpower in a matter of time. Many Mayans regained 90% of their superpower, hence they built a magnificent civilization. Scientists don't understand how they could build clusters of pyramids in south America at their time, and many suspect they were created by aliens. The truth is, it wasn’t aliens, but because the Mayans had found their illumospheres (buddha nature). As they regained their superpower, nothing is impossible.


Why did the Mayans disappear?


Since 9AD, the Mayans who cultivated a civilization in South America gradually disappeared mysteriously, while some cities became deserted. Until this day, scientists can’t explain why. Why did such a promising civilization suddenly disappear on its native grounds? Where did the hundred thousands of Mayans go? Later when archeologists found Mayan civilization at other parts of South America, comparing their relics, there were major differences in their civilizations. The latter seemed regressed by a lot, which was very different from the highly civilized Mayans.



The truth was, the Mayan civilization didn't become deserted, and nothing suspicious had happened, but the Mayans established a very successful case (Heaven's victory) on Earth. As mentioned before, after hearing the liberation gospel, the Mayans received it well, and many were determined to practice focusing and clearing the mind, and made it their first priority in life to find their own illumospheres. Pursuing the ultimate liberation became the Mayans’ mainstream thought, and those who don’t accept it were the minorities.



After hundreds of years of continuous practicing for many lifetimes, almost all the Mayans have found their own illumospheres (buddha nature), and you may say the whole nation reached full enlightenment. After reaching full enlightenment, they don’t need to live in rock or wood-built cities, they were free to go anywhere their hearts desire. Eventually, that group of enlightened Mayans chose to leave Earth and head above. Partial of the Mayans chose to become invisible, still living right where they used to be, so it did seem like the whole nation vanished. As for the Mayan civilizations unearthed in other parts of south America, they were the minorities who didn’t accept the liberation gospel, and because they didn’t fit in with the mainstream thought of pursuing liberation, therefore they left the enter of the city and moved out into the suburbs. Because they were in denial of finding their illumosphere, therefore their civilization was a lot behind the mainstream Mayans.




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