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英文新年祝福賀詞 | 新年恭喜 | 恭喜發財 | 萬事如意



Good luck and great success in the coming new year. 祝來年好運,成就斐然!

Good luck in the year ahead! 願你新的一年吉星高照!

Wishing happiness will always be with you. 願幸福永遠與你同在。

Wishing you and your family a happy New Year. 祝你闔家新年快樂。

Wishing you great wealth and prosperity in the new year! 新年恭喜發財、事業興旺!

Wishing you great success ahead! 祝你前方一切順利!

Wishing you good fortune and may all your wishes come true! 祝您財源廣進,心想事成!

Live long and prosper. 祝您多福多壽!

May happiness follow you wherever you go! 願幸福快樂永願伴隨著你。

May all fortunes find their way to you! 祝財運亨通!

Wishing you longevity and health! 願你福壽延年!

Take good care of yourself in the year ahead. 新的一年請多保重!

Wishing you more future successes. 祝你今後步步高昇。

Wishing you great success in everything you do! All the best! 祝您萬事如意!

Wishing every day of the new year to be filled with success, happiness, and prosperity for you. Happy New Year. 祝你在新的一年裡,天天馬到成功、圓滿幸福、事業昌榮。 新年快樂。

Best of luck in the year to come. 願你在未來的一年裡好運連連!

Here’s wishing you all the joy of the season. Have a Happy New Year! 在此祝福你佳節擁有一切快樂!


圖片出處: pinterest


Cheers to the new year! 新年恭喜!

A year of new blessings! 新年有新祝福!

Have a sparkling new year! 祝你的一年新年閃閃發亮!

The best is yet to come. 最好的還在後面呢!

Here’s to the next chapter! 祝福嶄新的一年!

New year, new beginnings! 新年新開始!

Goodbye [year], Hello [year] 再見2021,2022你好!

New Year, New Hope! 新年新希望!

[year] will be YOUR year! 2022將會是你的年!

Every end marks a new beginning. 每個結束都是新的起點!

New year, new plans, new memories to be made. 新年新計畫,要再造新回憶

Here’s to the future. 祝福未來!

To a new year of new possibilities. 新年新的可能性!

New year, new attitude! 新年新態度!


圖片出處: pinterest


Nights will be dark but days will be light, wishing your life to be always bright – Happy New Year. 黑夜會過去,白天會到來,願你的人生永遠光明!

Counting my blessings and wishing you more. I hope you enjoy the New Year in store. 我數著對你的祝福,並持續增加中,願你的新年令你滿意!

Good luck to you as you move on to a new position, the future is bright! 祝福您在新的職場鴻圖大展,未來不可限量!

Out with the old, in with the new: may you be happy the whole year through. Happy New Year! 舊的不去,新的不來!願你心的一整年都快樂!新年快樂!


圖片出處: pinterest


Let us look back at the past year with the warmest of memories. Happy New Year. 讓我們用最溫暖的回憶回顧過去,新年快樂!

I can't believe another year has passed. Time flies when you're with the one you love most. Happy New Year! 真不敢相信又過了一年,與最愛的人在一起的時間總是過得特別快。新年快樂!

I feel like I can accomplish anything in this new year with you by my side. 我相信新的一年有你在,我什麼事情都辦得到。

Thank you for your constant love and support this past year. Here's to another amazing year. 感謝你過去一年一直以來的愛與支持,祝福新的一年一樣精采!

You made this past year one full of endless laughter and joy. May next year bring us the same and more. 是你讓過去這一年充滿歡笑與喜悅,願新的一年也是,甚至超越過去。

Thank you for inspiring me to do my best this past year. Here’s to more success in the new year. 謝謝你激勵我在過去的一年裡盡力做好。祝福新的一年將有更多成就。

Thank you for all you have done for me in the past year—I couldn’t have done it without you! 感謝你過去一年為我的付出,沒有你我就沒有今日!


圖片出處: pinterest


May you discover everything you are looking for in the new year right inside yourself! 願你在新的一年發現你一直在尋找的都在你身上!

Say "thank you" more often this New Year. It is one of the most powerful ways we can move beyond our old habits and transform our lives. 新的一年試著更常說"謝謝"。這是從舊有根性中蛻變、並且改變我們人生的一個強大的方法。

Every moment is a fresh beginning. Happy new year! 每個時刻都是嶄新的開始。新年快樂!

May you reach enlightenment this new year! 願您新的一年開悟!


圖片出處: pinterest



感謝您的光臨,祝您身心靈平安健康 ​​ ​​ ​

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箭頭符號:03.gif  天界之舟FB粉絲團 1437728466-3633110313.gif

箭頭符號:03.gif  天界之舟官方Youtube 1437728466-3633110313.gif

箭頭符號:03.gif  天雲老師-實用生活禪 1437728466-3633110313.gif

箭頭符號:03.gif  天雲老師-只談真理 1437728466-3633110313.gif



​​​驅魔禱告小動態圖:幫助您淨化身心靈 ​​

​​​抗癌禱告 ​​ ​小動態圖:幫助您遠離癌症、疾病

發財禱告小動態圖:​ ​​ 幫助您經濟無虞


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