「萬物皆有佛性、萬物平等,所以我們不要輕易傷害小動物,哪怕只是隻蚯蚓,對萬物都要慈悲」。從天雲老師的一段講道中,西施回憶起一首英文兒歌叫Herman the Worm,是一首既悲傷又幽默的兒歌、講述一隻蚯蚓悲慘的一生。
- Herman, was squirmin' his way back to his home.
- His girlfriend, named Patty, had left him all alone.
- She turned into a butterfly, and flew away up into the sky.
- Poor Herman the worm
- All of his hearts were broken, but he never gave up on love.
- Well Herman, that sad soul, he had a tragic life.
- His father, was fish bait, the early bird took his wife.
- His grandma wasn't very sly, she ended up in apple pie.
- Poor Herman the worm
- All of his hearts were broken, but he never gave up on love.
- Now Herman, he found him another love so strong.
- They wiggled in the green grass, 'till a lawnmower came along,
- The couple never had a clue, and breaking up is hard to do!
- Poor Herman the worm
- All of his hearts were broken, but he never gave up on love.
- No he never gave up on love.
【中文歌詞】 by西施問路
- 赫爾曼蠕動著身子要回家。
- 他的女友派蒂,丟下他一個人。
- 她變成了一隻蝴蝶,飛往天空去。
- 可憐的蚯蚓赫爾曼,
- 他的心都碎了,但他從未放棄愛情。
- 赫爾曼那個悲傷的靈魂,牠過了個悲慘的一生。
- 牠的爸爸成為魚餌,早起的鳥兒抓走了牠的太太
- 牠的奶奶不夠滑溜,牠最後淪落到蘋果派。
- 可憐的蚯蚓赫爾曼,
- 他的心都碎了,但他從未放棄愛情。
- 赫爾曼又找到了一個很穩固的愛情,
- 牠們在綠草叢中扭動,直到割草機出現。
- 這對情侶還沒摸著頭緒,而且分開實在太難了!
- 可憐的蚯蚓赫爾曼,
- 他的心都碎了,但他從未放棄愛情。
- 不,他從未放棄愛情。
【延伸講道】——與蚯蚓相關的一段禪門公案 (影片46:51)